Search keywords for the text Skills of Christmas gnomes, and as books at for example search "tervola", or , with videos at search "Skills of Christmas gnomes", or copy , and as ebooks at
Monday, January 30, 2023
Friday, January 27, 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Tonttuopisto internetissä
Jos osaat englantia, voitlukea blogia joulutonttumaista elämää tukevista taidoista . Näin voit opiskella internetissä johonkin tai useampaankin seuraavista suuntautumisvaihtoehdoista:
Ihmeparantaja ( tätä voi opiskella suomeksi blogissa . Lue etenkin hakemistoa. )
Keisari tai muu hallinnossa
ight be ok.
Monday, January 23, 2023
Christmas gnome internet institute
" This Christmas gnome internet institute is the blog
Skills of Christmas gnomes, See
With it's links. Most of it is also available as books at .
The blog with it's linked blogs is the main text for the orientation options of the institute, which are
A Christmas gnome ( including dream job and moving to where you like to live ),
An angel,
A hero,
A miracle healer,
A composer and
An emperor.
For the miracle healer there is the blog but the problem is that the original is in Finnish but would be needed. About angels see the following text.
These are just advices for living a Christmas gnome like life year around, but since Christmas gnomes make presents all the year for Christmas, someone whose dream job would be ok for an angel, since this is useful work after all, could maybe this way learn to live the life of an angel.
For being a Christmas angel I guess that one would need skills of making the landscape peaceful and atmospheric : see the comment about mobile phone's local area share, plus living with the seasons, plus experiencing the seen environment as beautiful, plus likibg music.
For becoming a hero of old times in the modern world see especially M8. but preferably the whole blog text.
For becoming a music composer, see F35. in part 6., the link in D1. about healthy ways of living, and see if there is anything else of interest in the blog.
In all these orientation possibilities the blog Skills of Christmas gnomes offers the basic way of living in a society, enjoying one's time and having a somewhat sheltered place in the society that is good to live in.
About emperor's power read N97. Read also here the previous post on a link about women's position, plus in part 1. the text before the picture of a flower, and in a way the whole blog is thought of being in some way useful for people ruling, what there is needed in the society and in ghe world.
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Parantamisaiheinen blogi
Katso eli
Lue etenkin hakemistoa. Siinä kunkin vaivan parannusohje pääpiirteissään kussakin otsikossa "ja"-sanan jälkeen. Ei lääkkeitä eikä hoitoja, pelkkä lukeminen ja ymmärtäminen riittää, sillä ohjeet pyrkivät rakentamaan terveiden elämäntapojen osasten, tunteidenmukaisuuden, sivistyksen hyväätekevyyden ja rukouksen tai meditaation varaan.
Lämmittelyohjeita noin 200
Oloni on ollut paljon lämpimämpi sen jälkeen, kun joitakin vuosia sitten suosittelin näitä lämmittelyohjeita muillekin. On kuin lämpimänä pysyminen olisi osin kollektiivista.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Wisdom of life of the happiest country in the world
World Happiness Report says that Finland is the happiest country in the world.
My long blog text or book(s) "Skills of Christmas gnomes" teaches Finnish wisdom of life to people in other countries, to everywhere in the world.
Skills for a happy life
Change quickly to better life by reading something of these, prerably several pieces, so you see what kind of advices there is : LearnTalen...
" This Christmas gnome internet institute is the blog Skills of Christmas gnomes, See With it's link...
Skills of Christmas gnomes ...
Jos osaat englantia, voitlukea blogia joulutonttumaista elämää tukevista taidoista . Näin voit opiskella interne...